Anonymous pieces are available upon request.
- Utilizing Fairytales as Tarbiyyah
- Making the Most of Dhikr Week
- How to Learn About Islam
- Getting to Know A Potential Husband/Wife? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself First
- How Hamlet was Meant to Be, or Not to Be
- The Ultimate Period Guide: Understanding Your Cycle and Health
- Being the Village: 5 Ways to Support the Mothers in Your Circle
- 10 Important Lessons From the Prophet ﷺ’s Last Sermon (Commission)
- Understanding Boycotts and Buying Within Our Communities
- Married to Getting Married
- Notes to My Younger Self: How and When to Break off an Engagement
- The Hidden Grief: Losing an Engagement
- A Detailed Guide to Mahr: Rights and Rulings (Commission)
- Exploring the Parallels Between Post 9/11 and the Ongoing Nakba Impact for Muslims (Commission)
- The Importance of Utilizing Islamic Unicode
- Bless Your Day with Morning Barakah
- 10 Tips for a Sustainable Summer
- Why Are Muslims Not Fostering?
- Duʾas and Dragons: How a Roleplaying Game Taught Me About Parenting
- Memrising during Ramadan
- Step away from the wedding hashtag generator and try these 10 tips instead
- These 10 plugins will change the way you internet
- Social media addicts definitely need to understand these 10 things
- Sticks and Stones
- Column: Student bestowed title by micronation
- I’ve had it up to here with Facebook slacktivism
- France isn’t progressive for giving away food
- To Meme or Not to Meme
- 10 Things My Social Media Internship Taught Me That College Couldn’t
- A few free digital marketing tools to try in 2017
- 5 Ways to Better Your Social Strategy
- Digital Stories: Your Brand’s Most Powerful Tool
- Hashtag Guide for Every Day of the Week
- Rethink Rebranding
- 8 tips to build a consistent writing habit
- How I Survived National Novel Writing Month
- Islam Honored Us: The Legacy of Islam in the Black Community (2023)
- 38,621 Opens
- 277 Clicks
- Ramadan Appeal for Qalam (2022)
- 41,028 Opens
- 215 Clicks
- End of Year Gift for Email Subscribers (2022)
- 17,774 Opens
- 2,290 Clicks
- 10 Things for the Best 10 Days (2021)
- 16,918 Opens
- 655 Clicks
- Lejla and the White Days (Commission): Snow White, set in Bosnia and sanctifying a beautiful sunnah.
- Haala and Gaafar (Commission): A Brothers Grimm story reimagined with two Muslims.
- What a great story and new take on Hansel and Gretel! Suspenseful cliffhangers throughout, and really appreciated the switch in POV to Gaafar. Looking forward to more stories like this! You should write a book.
- Little Bayramgul (Commission): Sleeping Beauty, but set in Uzbekistan.
- Another beautiful story thank you again, it intertwined Surah Kahf, Sleeping Beauty and the story of Musa a.s. when he met the two girls in Midian trying to get water for their sheep.
- ‘Afraa and Yawm al-Khulayf: A Cinderella Story (Commission): What happens when you leave your sandal on the best day of the year?
- I love this one! Very creative. Allahumma barik! I was waiting to see how you’d get Prince Charming into the mix. I wasn’t disappointed at all 😀
- The Tarweedeh (Solicited): A coded message in a melody.
- “I enjoyed the energy of your piece very much. It has a gentle, authentic feel, and captures the familial and communal Palestinian spirit beautifully.“
- The Little Muslimah (Commission): If “The Little Mermaid” became Muslim.
- “Thank you for another beautiful story, this one really made me cry and reflect. This is a gem of a story and you are a gifted writer mashaʾAllah!“
- The Six Fasts (Commission): An adaptation of “The Six Servants” by the Brothers Grimm.
- “You nailed all the references.”
- Bismillah, The Beast [Part 1 & Part 2] (Commission): A Muslim retelling of Beauty and the Beast
- “I loved the inclusion of these genuine marketplace-names that are familiar throughout the Arab world! I also really love how there is war and conflict but as a backdrop, not the main action, so that as children grow with the story, they could think about that more deeply, without it being too overwhelming or intense. Excited to read the next installation!”
- I love your storytelling, Hannah! You always have a way of bringing them to life MashaAllah!
- The Apiary: A historical fantasy about a nanny from the subcontinent who raised children from the sceptered isle.
- “It’s a truly lovely story, and I’m so glad that you sent it to us! It’s completely up my alley, a little sprinkling of magic woven into a story with so much heart.”
- Poison: A retelling of the Scottish “Tam Lin” that takes place in Qing Dynasty China.
- “Love the research and creativity with this piece! Such a different backdrop for a story that became so easy to visualize.”
- Wendy: An answer to the question of Wendy Darling becoming Wedad, a Muslim.
- “I was captivated from start to finish!”
- “Wow! I couldn’t stop reading!”
- “What a beautifully woven creative twist on such a classic story and set of characters… it made me smile a lot!”
- “I was a big fan of Peter Pan as a child and it always made me a bit sad that he never grew up. Thank you for fixing that and in such a beautiful way.”
- Red: A rendition of Red Riding Hood, set in an Albanian Muslim town.
- “Aw, I love this! So many good elements – fairy tale retelling, Red Riding Hood, werewolves – and so well done. Earlier this year, I read another Muslim Red Riding Hood story, ‘Hamra and the Jungle of Memories’ by Hanna Alkaf, but this one has its own flavor. Excited to read the rest!”
- Never Again: A poem on it never happening for anyone.
- No Two Sides: A poem featured in Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza.
- Pyrochor: A poem on the scent of fire.
- Piecing Together Heartbreak: A collection of wordplay composed when my world fell apart.
- “Your words took me on such an aching journey.”
- “So much of this resonated with me, and you can feel the heartache so acutely.”
- Christian’s Conversion: A man named Christian converts to Islam.
- Zionist Plays DND
- DMing for a Zionist
- Zionist Watches Pacific Rim
- Zionist Plays FFVII
- Playing DND with a Zionist
- When a Zionist is Your DM
- Vicious Mockery for Zionists
- If your landlord was a Zionist
- Circle of Dreams Druid Casts Resistance
- Sorceror sends a message
- Zionist reads Hamlet
- The Dungeon Matchmaker